Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Very Simple Dinner: Quinoa, Sauteed Carrots and Seared Turkey Ham

Quinoa is an easy to prepare alternative to rice. Here's a section of the Wikipedia entry for its nutritional value:

In contemporary times, this crop has become highly appreciated for its nutritional value, as its protein content is very high (12%–18%). Unlikewheat or rice (which are low in lysine), and like oats, quinoa contains a balanced set of essential amino acids for humans, making it an unusually complete protein source among plant foods.[10] It is a good source of dietary fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. Quinoa is gluten-free and considered easy to digest.

1. Start off by rinsing and draining your quinoa.

2. Add one part quinoa to two parts water. I prefer chicken stock because it adds a richness to the flavor, much like when used to prepare rice.

3.Sauté one package of baby carrots with olive oil, garlic and basil.

4. Cut a 1/4 inch slice of turkey ham and sear it for 1-2 minutes on each side in a non-stick pan.

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