Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hearty Vegetarian Breakfast Hash

Here's a recipe that is very easy and so quick to prepare!

2 veggie burger patties, cooked
2 large potatoes, cooked and rough cut 
1/2 of 1 onion, chopped
1 small bunch of green onions
1 yellow bell pepper, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 T soy sauce
1 T olive oil
Chili powder, salt, pepper, and garlic to taste

1. Cook veggie patties and potatoes. I use a George Foreman grill for the patties (I use Trader Joe's brand, but any brand will do!) because it makes them kinda crispy. Cut or tear into pieces.

Toss the potatoes in the microwave until they are cooked through. Let them cool enough to handle comfortably, then chop into bite-sized pieces.

Add olive oil to a hot pan, coat the bottom, and add patties pieces and potatoes.

 2.  Add all onions and bell peppers. Season with soy sauce and spices.

 3. Saute.

 4. Dish will be ready when the potatoes are browned on the sides. Serve hot!

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